Making low-carbon choices consumer guidance

With the rising interest in the low carbon /sustainable futures agenda and the increased focus on making smart energy choices it can sometimes feel like you have no choice but to embrace low energy solutions. It is with this in mind many people are turning to carbon footprint calculators and energy efficiency tools to give them recommendations about how to decrease their energy use at home and while out and about.

Disabled people often have lower incomes and are more likely to be living in social or rented housing. It can be difficult to know where to start with low energy choices. Many things like solar panels and heat pumps are large and often unrealistic recommendations for disabled people.

There is an increased pressure from government and other organisations using ‘nudge theory’ campaigns to embrace the low carbon agenda which can feel overwhelming and daunting.   

This advice aims to contextualise the position of disabled consumers within the Low Carbon agenda and give some tips about how to best navigate this space if you are a disabled person looking to make some energy efficiency changes.

Read the consumer guidance