Podcast: How will disabled people be involved in the National Centre for Accessible Transport?

Man with guide dog passing through ticket barriers on the underground
14 Mar 2023

In this episode of Gears, Gadgets and Gizmos, RiDC Chair of Trustees, Dr Phil Friend, puts these questions to our CEO Gordon McCullough, to find out what the National Centre for Accessible Transport (NCAT) really means for disabled and older people across the UK.

Listen to the podcast here

What is NCAT? What will it do and how will disabled people be involved?

How will RiDC and the consortium work together to ensure that disabled people really are at the heart of what's going on and that their voices are going to be heard?

Is there a mechanism for resolving kind of disputes or where disabled people perhaps are feeling they're not being listened to?

In five, six, ten, years from now, how do we want to see the work of NCAT in real life?

Watch the interview here


If you would like to make your views and experiences of transport heard, you can become and member of our consumer panel to be kept up to date and be given the opportunity to join the Community of Accessible Transport hub (CAT)

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