How accessible are energy switching websites?

Image shows an older woman sitting at her kitchen table using a computer
Energy Redress Scheme
9 Feb 2021

RiDC has been awarded funding in the latest round of the Ofgem Energy Redress Scheme, to investigate the accessibility of energy switching websites and services for disabled and older users.

With the Covid19 pandemic increasing isolation, disabled and older people are having to engage with technology at a much faster rate than they would have done before. In investigating the accessibility of these digital services, we will be assessing just how ready they are for these customers. Members from our consumer panel, with a range of disabilities will be testing them out and on hand to offer insights and solutions alongside our research team.

There are already accessibility regulations in place for public sector bodies websites, and we'd love to see more sectors following suit. We're hoping this research will have an impact in highlighting the key areas where change is needed, as well as the wide benefits that come with designing inclusively. Because when you design for everyone, you design for every one.

RiDC works with businesses and organisations on any step of their inclusion journey. If you'd like to chat through where you are, and how we could support, get in touch with our team.

Email Caroline

Funded through the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme