This guide is for drivers who need to adapt the controls in their car.
It will give you a starting point to think about what type of adaptation you might need for the controls in your car. It will also help you explore what is possible. There's a very wide range of adaptations available, so almost anyone can adapt a car to meet their needs. Adaptations range from very simple bolt-on attachments to the replacement of all the driving controls with a system individually designed for you.
As long as you have enough controllable movement in any part of your body, the controls can be adapted to take advantage of it.
This guide shows the main types of control you can get and gives information on how you go about getting them. We can't tell you what is best for you, since everyone is different, so we point you towards sources of expert advice and tell you where you can get an assessment of your abilities.
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Please note this report is from 2012. The general information is still relevant, but check out current product information.